Marta Lipowska

Marta Lipowska

Marta Lipowska

Marta Lipowska - Polish painter artist, creates oil on canvas paintings. Individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Winner of several prizes in art competitions and competitive exhibitions. In 2008 acclaimed as one of the most interesting Polish artists before 35th year of life by "The Compass of Young Art" web magazine. Her paintings present "chosen parts" of some sphere; despite obvious inspiration of nature, the artist does not make an explicit portrait of the real world, she rather shows some coloristic situations. Fragments of the artist's life or people in her paintings are just formal elements, used to build composition. The most important things in her artworks are light and colour. Artworks in private collections include: in Poland, USA, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Japan.


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Rodoma 00 paveikslų
60 - 100 cm (Vidutinis)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
< 60 cm (Mažas)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
< 60 cm (Mažas)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
60 - 100 cm (Vidutinis)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
60 - 100 cm (Vidutinis)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
> 100 cm (didelis)
Marta Lipowska
Aliejus ant drobės
December 14, 2023
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  3. Paveikslus įrėminame –išsirinkite jums patinkančius rėmelius.

  4. Atsiėmimas Compensa Koncertų Salėje

Paveikslas vibrant reverie
Paveikslas Sarkana Lentite
Paveikslas Ode